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Abcess of the Lumbar Spine - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing


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Item #exh69339b — Source #1235

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Abcess of the Lumbar Spine - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing
This image series depicts MRI scans of the lumbar spine, focusing on an abscess in the L5 vertebral region. The scans include axial, parasagittal, and sagittal views, with corresponding labeled illustrations. Axial view: Shows the abscess adjacent to the L5 vertebral body, pressing on the surrounding tissues, including the spinal cord and nerves. Parasagittal view: Displays the abscess in relation to vertebrae L3 through S1, illustrating how it affects the spinal column and intervertebral spaces. Sagittal view: Highlights the abscess extending posteriorly from the L5 vertebral level, affecting adjacent vertebral bodies and soft tissue structures.

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What attorneys say about MLA and The Doe Report:
"Medical illustrations are essential during trial for any medical malpractice case. The people at MLA have the uncanny ability of creating medical illustrations that simplify the most complex of medical concepts and human anatomy to a lay audience. The exhibits of MLA allow experts to easily describe complex concepts and human anatomy in a manner that could not be done otherwise.

In addition, their custom illustrations show in great detail the extent of injuries suffered and the devastating effects they have had on the client's anatomy. These custom illustration can show, side by side, the body before and after a catastrophic injury. The effect of this juxtaposition is unmatched by any testimony that can be adduced at the time of trial.

Even jurors after trial have commented on the ease with which they grasp medical concepts and anatomy once the MLA exhibits were introduced and used by my experts. Even judges who have "seen it all" are thoroughly impressed by the detail and sophistication of the illustrations.

I would not want to try a case without them."

Lambros Y. Lambrou
New York, NY

"It is my experience that it's much more effective to show a jury what happened than simply to tell a jury what happened. In this day and age where people are used to getting information visually, through television and other visual media, I would be at a disadvantage using only words.

I teach a Litigation Process class at the University of Baltimore Law Schooland use [Medical Legal Art's] animation in my class. Students always saythat they never really understood what happened to [to my client] until theysaw the animation.

Animations are powerful communication tools that should be used wheneverpossible to persuade juries."

Andrew G. Slutkin
Snyder Slutkin & Kopec
Baltimore, MD
"Thank you for the wonderful illustrations. The case resulted in a defense verdict last Friday. I know [our medical expert witness] presented some challenges for you and I appreciate how you were able to work with him."

Robert F. Donnelly
Goodman Allen & Filetti, PLLC
Richmond, VA

"We got a defense verdict yesterday! Your exhibit was extremely helpful in showing the jury how unlikely it is to damage all four of the nerve branches which control the sense of taste."

Karen M. Talbot
Silverman Bernheim & Vogel, P.C.
Philadeplphia, PA

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